Partnera Corporation’s Board of Directors comprises a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of seven (7) full members.
The General Meeting elects the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors. The term of a member of the Board of Directors starts from the General Meeting in which they are elected, and ends at the conclusion of the following Annual General Meeting.

Jari Pirinen
b. 1961
Master of Laws, trained on the bench, eMBA
Chairman of the Board 2023–
More than 30 years of experience in finance, venture capital investments, corporate and private equity arrangements and Certified Advisor / Nasdaq tasks. Special expertise in corporate recovery and corporate governance. Extensive domestic and international networks, in particular in the field of corporate recovery and insolvency law.
Main occupation
- Pohjanmaan Arvo Sijoitusosuuskunta, CEO 2019–
Key work experience
- RSM Finland Recovery Oy, CEO, partner 2014-2019
- Finnvera Oyj, vice president 1993-2014
Current positions of trust
- Nordic Option, Chairman of the Board 2020-
- Sah-Ko Oy, Member of the Board 2014-
- Oulun Kärpät Oy, Vice Chairman of the Board
- Kärppä-säätiö rs, Member of the Board
- Qstock Oy, Member of the Board
- Valve Group Oy, Chairman of the Board
- Faster Horse Oy, Member of the Board
- Valve Branding Oy, Member of the Board
Partnera's shares
Independent of the Company.
Dependent on a significant shareholder.

Erja Sankari
b. 1973
M.Sc. (Econ.)
Vice Chairman of the Board 2024–, Member of the Board 2022–2024
Over 20 years of experience in international business in technology companies, especially in the management and development of international supply chains through digitalization and innovations.
Main occupation
- iLOQ, Executive Vice President, COO 2022–
Key work experience
- Nokia, Vice President, Global Supply Chain, 2020–2022
- Nokia, Vice President, Global Supply Chain Engineering, 2018–2020
- Nokia, Head of Oulu Factory, 2013–2018
- Nokia Siemens Networks, Head of Business HR, 2012–2013
- Nokia Siemens Networks, Head of Materials Execution, 2008–2012
Current positions of trust
- Nurminen Logistics Oyj, Member of the Board, 2021–
- University of Oulu Advisory Board, Member 2015–2019, Vice Chairman 2019–
- Oulu Chamber of Commerce, Member of the Board 2016–2017, Vice Chairman 2017–2019, Chairman 2020–
Previous positions of trust
- Valtavalo Oy, Member of the Board, 2018–2019
Partnera’s shares
Independent of the company and its significant shareholders.

Jenni Heino
b. 1980
M.Soc.Sc., M.Sc. (Econ.), M.Sc. (Tech.)
Member of the Board 2024–
Extensive experience in finance, strategy and management in both small and large companies. Strong business analytical and modelling skills.
Main occupation
- Printcom Center Oy, Chief Financial Officer, 2022–
Key work experience
- Sanoma Oyj, Head of Functional Control, 2020–2022
- Finnair Oyj, Business Controller in Customer Experience, 2017–2020
- Finnair Oyj, Treasury and Fleet Controller, 2016–2017
- Nurminen Logistics, Group Controller, 2011–2014
- Nurminen Logistics, Business Controller, Development Manager, Business Analyst 2005–2011
Partnera’s shares
Independent of the company and its significant shareholders.

Mirja Illikainen
b. 1978
PhD and M.Sc. (Tech.)
Member of the Board 2020–
Professor of circular economy material research. Expert in the utilization of sidestreams created by industry. Extensive international networks. Strong experience in research and development projects in cooperation with companies.
Main occupation
- University of Oulu, Dean, 2022–
- University of Oulu, professor, 2015–
- Key work experience
- Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, visiting professor, 2018
- University of Oulu, university lecturer 2009–2014
- University of Oulu, researcher 2003–2008
Current positions of trust
- Betoniyhdistys ry, member of the Board, 2020–
- Scientific Advisory Board for Defense, member, 2019–
Partnera’s shares
Independent of the company and its significant shareholders.

Pirjo Kivari
b. 1972
M.Sc. (Econ.), Authorised Public Accountant KHT, Certified Board Member (HHJ)
Member of the Board 2024–
More than 20 years of experience in financial management, business development and M&A. Extensive experience in various industries in economic and financial management and various corporate and capital arrangements.
Main occupation
- Oulun Energia Group, CFO, Finance and Administration, 2023–
Key work experience
- Kaleva Media Group, Director, Finance and HR, 2018–2023
- University of Oulu, Director, Finance, 2012–2018
- Ernst & Young Oy, Authorised Public Accountant KHT, 2010–2011
- Nethawk Oyj, Director, Finance, 2006–2010
Current positions of trust
- Pohjolan Osuuspankki, Member of the Board, 2023–
- University of Oulu, Member of the Investment Committee, 2012–
Previous positions of trust
- Oulun Osuuspankki, Member of the Board, 2/2021–5/2023
- Nuorten Ystävät ry, Member of the Board, 5/2022–3/2024
- Pohjois-Suomen hallituspartnerit ry, Member of the Board, 2/2023–2/2024
- University of Oulu Scholarship Foundation, Foundation Agent, 5/2012–6/2019
- Suomen yliopistokiinteistöt Oy, Member of the Board, 5/2012–5/2016
Partnera’s shares
Independent of the company and its significant shareholders.