Questions and answers
What benefit is there for Partnera’s current shareholders in being listed on the stock exchange?
The valuation level of Partnera’s shares becomes transparent and real-time. One of the objectives of the listing is a share with greater liquidity. This makes it easier to convert a share into cash, as trading can be done quickly and efficiently.
Where do I indicate changes in my contact information?
The shareholder must inform whichever bank, brokerage firm or other account operator with whom the shareholder has a book-entry account of any changes of address. Please note that changes made to bank account information at a bank do not necessarily always update the information for a book-entry account. As such, it is a good idea to make sure that the change is also applied to the book-entry account’s information.
Where can I sell or buy shares?
The trading of Partnera’s shares in the First North trading venue maintained by Nasdaq Helsinki Oy started on September 7, 2020 with the ticker symbol PARTNE1.
How do I receive a dividend?
A dividend is paid to the shareholders who are marked as the company’s shareholders on the date of record for the dividend payment. The General Meeting decides on the payment of a dividend and the date of payment. The shareholder’s right to a dividend will expire 3 years after the maturity date set by the General Meeting. If you suspect that you have not received paid profits, please contact the bank or brokerage firm with whom you have your book-entry account and check with them which cash or checking account is designated as the profit payment account for your book-entry account.
What should I do with my Oulun Puhelin paper shares?
Partnera Oy’s extraordinary General Meeting decided on January 18, 2017 that the right to shares belonging to a book-entry system and the rights based thereon are forfeit on the part of those shares for which registration has not been requested by June 30, 2017, even though ten years have passed since the end date of the registration time. If a conversion request has not been made to Danske Bank or your own bank by June 30, 2017, the shares are forfeit.